Good Old Hymns – Bundle 1 is excited to announce the availability of a new compilation of hymns:

kirtland_temple_oldGood Ol’ Hymns
Compilation 1

The Green LDS Hymnal contains wonderful hymns, some written during the restoration, some written after the great trek west.  Many of the hymns are very old.  This compilation of hymns represent some of the good, old hymns.

There are some great, moving melodies in this bundle.  One of our favorites out of this bunch, although it isn’t very popular in most LDS congregations, is Hymn 242 because it is a very traditional tune steeped in tradition.

These arrangements are more on the difficult side, for more advanced players simply because the key signatures are more difficult.

How do I get this Compilation?

Simply click on the “Get to the Music” page and select your instrument (B-flat, E-flat, Flute, Horn, Trombone, Tuba).  Each instrument page has this new product to select.

Hymns in this Compilation:

  • 46 – Glorious Things of Thee Are Spoken
  • 72 – Praise to the Lord, the Almighty
  • 87 – God Is Love
  • 111 – Rock of Ages
  • 242 – Praise God, from Whom All Blessings Flow
  • 246 – Onward, Christian Soldiers
  • 292 – O My Father

It’s 2014 again . . . sort of

It’s 2014 again . . . sort of!

General Conference 2014 Compilation is Available for Download Now!

It’s been a slow process over the past several months trying to pick up the pieces after our digital distribution partner went down. We lost our entire online database of available music. Thank goodness for back-ups!! (reminder, if it’s been a while, do a back up of all your important files. Do it NOW!)

But all that aside, we are very excited to announce that we have added a compilation of hymns commonly heard during General Conference available now for download. These hymns were originally compiled and published in 2014. There are some good ones in there. Here is a list of the hymns:

  • 2 – The Spirit of God
  • 5 – High On a Mountain Top
  • 13 – An Angel from on High
  • 19 – We Thank Thee, O God, For a Prophet
  • 83 – Guide Us, O Thou Great Jehovah
  • 152 – God Be With You Til We Meet Again
  • 249 – Called to Serve
  • 258 – O Thou Rock of Our Salvation

Select your instrument and look for the “General Conference 2014 Compilation” product to get your copy today!

New Year Party Ideas

New Year time is almost here at our doorsteps.  The entire world is going to celebrate the day with utmost zest.  The celebrations will see new heights and people will enjoy to the core on the day.  There will be many events organized by people of respective families.  It is the festive day on which family and friends gather together to make the celebration big.  The most eventful thing about New Year is New Year parties.  New Year parties are the highlight of the 31st night.  It is quite common that most of the people stay up until mid night 12 just to see of the old year and welcome New Year.

To enjoy the last minutes of the year, people gather together and arrange parties.  The parties involve children to elder ones.  All the people in the family stay up all night and participate in various events.  The events held on 31st night stand as most memorable ones.  People enjoy like anything by participating in the parties.  People hold household parties involving only near and dear ones and also parties outside of house involving many people.  There are many key things that one has to remember while planning a New Year 2018 party.

Music Harvest Time of Year

cornucopia_of_bandhymnsIt’s hard to believe it’s already mid-November and so close to the end of the year.  It’s been a big year for us here at and we are so very thankful for all of the music we’ve been able to provide.  We sure hope there are happy young musicians playing hymns out there!

About a year ago, we added this post announcing the availability of the Thanksgiving hymns.  Time to do it again!  You can get just one à la carte, OR better yet, buy them all along with a selection of Easter hymns as noted in this post.

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All of us on staff here at wish you and your family a Thanksgiving!

Two Hymns for The Priesthood

Joshua_leading_IsraelInspired by the recent General Priesthood session of General Conference, is happy to announce that we’ve added two Priesthood hymns. The first is sung by Priesthood quorums all over the world! the well known and very popular Hymn #319, Ye Elders of Israel.

Both are ready for download now!  Both of these hymns are great for beginners.  They are in an easy key signature and range.

Music for General Conference 2014

 A Compilation of Music Inspired by General ConferenceLDS_Conference_Center_interior_panoramic

The staff here at look forward to General Conference weekend because of the inspirational messages from Church leaders, the wonderful choral arrangements, and the whisperings of the Holy Ghost.  But it is a guilty little pleasure for all of us to call it “Jammie Church”, especially on Sunday!  We admit it – it’s really nice to lounge around on the couch and participate in the church meeting.

But what do you do with the 2-hour break between sessions?  PLAY YOUR INSTRUMENTS, of course!  So we are excited to announce a new compilation of Duet arrangements inspired by a “General Conference” theme for 2014.

Compilations are ready to download now for all our typical instruments.  Click on your instrument and look at the top for the Duet Compilation list.  This really is the best value and we hope you enjoy the set we’ve compiled.

Here’s the list of Hymns in the “General Conference Compilation 2014”:

  • #2 – The Spirit of God
  • #5 – High on a Mountain Top
  • #13 – An Angel from on High
  • #19 – We Thank Thee, O God, For a Prophet
  • #83 – Guide Us, O Thou Great Jehovah
  • #152 – God Be With You Til We Meet Again
  • #249 – Called to Serve
  • #258 – O Thou Rock of Our Salvation.

Happy Conference!

An Angel from on High – Sounding a Horn!

Music has always enjoyed an important presence within the LDS church and is featured prominently — not only in meetings and conferences, but in one of the most recognizable symbols of the church.The golden statue of Angel Moroni that sits atop many of the temples around the world show him sounding the horn of truth.

Here is a picture from the church archives of an early concept:


We were inspired by the upcoming General Conference to get a new hymn ready and we are happy to announce Hymn #13, An Angel from on High is available for download now!
Also, take a look at some of the other hymns we’ve released around conference time – there’s a good handful of tunes there to inspire you.  General Conference will touch your spirit, if you are listening and open to the whisperings.

Called to Play, Ye Saints

It is that time of year, the end of summer is upon us.  Most of the kids here in the US are already back to school and looking forward to a long weekend and the first day off of school.  Well, this also means that our music monkeys are back and have gotten back to work. has two hymns to announce which are ready to download now for all instruments (and one of them has been in the “works” for months – started before everyone scattered for the break).

First is the pioneer hymn of faith, number 30, Come, Come, Ye Saints.  This one has literally brought tears to many of our eyes here on staff – at trying times and for various reasons.  It is a powerful hymn with meaningful lyrics and stirs our souls to introspection and pondering of deeper thoughts.

On an other end of the emotional spectrum, the second hymn ready today is hymn #249, Called to Serve.  Sung by tens of thousands of missionaries all over the world and in all sorts of languages, this hymn is all about extroversion and marching forward with the message of the Gospel.  We also thought the spirit of this hymn fit nicely with “Back to School” and the marching band season.  Imagine what that would be like:  one hundred missionaries marching in front of a 100-piece marching band playing Called to Serve!  Powerful.


America the Beautiful

It is now one week away from Independence Day here in America and our music monkeys are no longer motivated by extra bananas . . . they are becoming irritated and if we push them too much more, they will become belligerent.

BUT the good news is that they were able to complete hymn #338, America the Beautiful, just in time.  We are happy to offer duets of this hymn for our typical instruments.  Now is a great time to download a duet and prepare for any Ward or Stake 4th of July activity or program.

Don’t forget My Country, ‘Tis of Thee and the Star-Spangled Banner, also available.

Some of us on the staff at have had opportunity to travel this vast country and we have seen some spectacular sights; from the sun rise on Myrtle Beach to the sun set on La Jolla Beach; to hiking in the Rockies and Cascades; and walking the banks of the Mississippi.  How do you sum up this beautiful country? 


The Star-Spangled Banner

Star_Spangled_Banner_Flag_on_display_at_the_Smithsonian's_National_Museum_of_History_and_Technology,_around_1964We pushed the music monkeys with extra bananas this week to get out patriotic hymns.  The first duet done was Hymn #339, My Country, ‘Tis of Thee.
Today, we are happy to announce the completion of Hymn #340, The Star-Spangled Banner, available for download right now.

NOTE:  As with all our arrangements, the duets are written to play along with the hymn arrangement.  This means that notes are tied to match the lyrics.  Please refer to the hymnal.